Tuesday, 6 April 2010

One last favour to ask...

This will be my last post on this blog. (As a result of all this drama last week.)
My blogging adventures will continue, but they'll be over at: www.kookyboutique.blogspot.com - it used to be a blog I used just for shameless self promotion and crafty stuff, but the plan now, is that it'll be an all en-compassing corner of the internet for me to write about family, arty crafty stuff & everything inbetween.

I've given the place a little makeover, still some tweaking to do, but hopefully you'll like it.

The favour I need to ask, is of anyone kind enough to be linking to me - please please please could you check your blog rolls/link pages & change any links to this address, to my new one: www.kookyboutique.blogspot.com - and while you're at it, please do become a follower over there, and/or subscribe to our feed, which is here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/HCrA - Thank you!

And that's the end of an era!
I'm a little sad, a bit scared (going 'public' - eek!), but excited too.
Thank you all for the lovely emails & tweets & support. Hopefully see you over at my new 'pad' :) xx

Thursday, 1 April 2010

It's not goodbye, just au-revoir.

So today, I had to delete a sprinkling of malicious comments from this blog.
Why? Well, I guess because some people are just so unfulfilled by their own life, that they feel the need to amuse themselves by picking away at the happiness of others.
Which is sort of tragic really.
What's worse, is it's not the first time.

And I know, I should rise above it, be the bigger person, not let it get to me...
And up till now, I have done.

But frankly, I'm fed up & I've had enough.
Yes, I'm pretty much certain I know who it is, no, I'm not going to go into details.
This blog is more or less anonymous - hardly anyone from my 'real life' even knows it exists - the spiteful troll in question has put some effort into finding it, which is kind of even sadder.

I considered just deleting the whole thing but have decided against it.
I love this blog, and it holds some really good memories.
What I am going to do, is export Life with a Little Dude into my other blog - http://www.kookyboutique.blogspot.com/ - yep, I'm coming out! Which is actually pretty scary - I like that this place was quite anonymous & private - but that privacy has been invaded & tainted, so screw it. At least by going public, if this person persists, they will get found out, and I can deal with it head on, on my own terms.

The only problem now, is will you all come with me?
My other blog isn't a 'mummy blog' per se- it's a mixture of stuff, including my shops and the like - it's actually been pretty neglected lately, so this might even turn out to be a good thing (silver linings and all?)

Will I still be a 'mummy blogger'?
Or just a blogger who happens to be a mummy?

I don't know.
But I do know, I can't face deleting anymore personal attacks aimed at me or my man or my baby, it's exhausting.
So, this seems like the best idea.

Come and visit me - http://www.kookyboutique.blogspot.com/ see if you like it, and if you do, please please re-add me to your google reader!

And to the hateful little person who forced me into this decision, please don't think you've 'won' in anyway. Every nasty word you've sent only goes to prove how much of a loser you are.
Perhaps a hobby's in order?