Monday, 30 November 2009

Guilty, Your Honour.

mister maker cbeebies arts craftsWHAT a day.

It started so well - LD slept through till 7am without a peep. Awesome. We had breakfast, we played, we sang, we read, we had lunch, we watched Makka Pakka be all OCD-like with his stones. All good.

LD went down for a nap at about 1 ish. Woke up screaming at about 1.03.  Yep, seems tooth no.3 is finally on the way - right at the back, can just feel it starting to poke through. Every time he tries to sleep, it kicks off.  Poor little dude :(  He finally crashed about an hour ago. I don't have high hopes for a restful night.

But enough whiney stuff, let's talk guilt.  But the good kind.  The pleasurable kind.  That's right lovely blog readers - we're talking Guilty Pleasures.

For you see lovely @porridgebrain asked on twitter yesterday for writing workshop prompt suggestions, and she only went with my idea - woo! Given my big love for the workshop, I am super flattered!  Of course now, I must play the game & confess to my own guilty pleasures.  So, here we go:

1. Cult Teen Movies.  Honestly, I don't really consider myself a grown-up.  Even now with my 30th birthday & a seven month old son under my belt, my brain still thinks I'm 20.  And so every now & then I indulge myself and watch Heathers or The Lost Boys and imagine what life would be like if Christian Slater or Corey Haim were my boyfriend. *wistful sigh*...

2. Trashy chick-lit.  I got an A for A Level English Literature. I can converse about Shakespeare and Hardy & Austen with the best of them, and I truly do love proper novels - both of the old and modern variety.  But sometimes, I do rather enjoy just switching my brain off & reading a vacuous of tale of love and betrayal and shopping.

3. Biscuits for lunch.  At least once a month (yes, often when mother nature is a house guest), I will secretly skip anything of nutritional value at lunchtime, in favour of sitting with a big mug of tea (and perhaps one of those fluffy novels mentioned above), and work my way through a whole packet of biscuits.  Shameful? Probably.  But SO good.

4. Facebook Stalking.  There are SO many people on my friends list who are only there out of politeness. Who I rarely see, only know through friends, or just don't really care about (don't judge me - bet you have some too!), but I do quite enjoy checking up on their statuses and the like - particularly when they're bitching about other pseudo-friends they don't realise you know. It's like a little real-life soap opera :)

5. Inappropriate crushes. I'll happily tell anyone who cares to listen about my deep love for Johnny Depp and David Tennant and Robbie Williams... ... ... sorry - got distracted ;) - but I also have several less high-profile crushes that I tend to keep to myself - Andrew Castle on GMTV is probably old enough to be my dad, but he's everso dishy.  Mister Maker on cBeebies - the LD is a long way off cutting and sticking, yet we watch every single day.  And Simon Cowell.  Yes, even with that hair and those trousers.

I could go on, but I think 5 guilty confessions will do for now.

As always, all of the prompts over at Sleep is for the Weak are brilliant, so go have a peek. I may still have a go at some of the others myself, but for now, there's a little boy starting to stir who needs my attention.

While I do that - consider the comment box a confession booth - what are your guilty pleasures?


  1. Oh I have been doing my too, you will have to pop over tomorrow to see. I have done the biccie things too, oh the shame when my mil asked who had been teaching the minimads to dunck the rich tea!!

  2. Great idea for a post. Does secretly admiring Macca Pacca's behaviour with his stones count as a guilty pleasure?

  3. Er, dare I confess? I'll never be able to hold my head up high again. The secret passion for Robbie Rotten in LazyTown. He is so much more interesting than Sporticus (slightly creepy fawning all over the too young for him Stephanie). Anyway Robbie, doing a take off dance from FlashDance in Dancing Duel has my boys calling me into the room to watch, they know how much I love it.

    And with that I shall get my coat and leave, I may be some time...

  4. Do you know, I've only seen that one once, and I thought I'd gone mental - it's BIZARRE! And I actually spent the whole thing trying to work out if the goodie & the baddie were actually the same man! But then I realised the goodie is WAY more put together (his arms are MASSIVE aren't they?!).
    I do love Robbie's suit though :)

  5. tee hee :)
    The LD is only 7 months, and has already tasted shortbread - I am a bad bad mummy!! But everything in moderation, right? :D

  6. Absolutely not, I quite agree! As a neurotic loony myself, I think Kids TV needs more OCD characters!

  7. Haha I'm laughing at Brit in Bosnia's Robbie Rotten confession. And Mr Maker?? Seriously???!

    Yesterday I spent the whole day eating only buttered toast - so I am not one to judge the biscuits...

    (also a fan of facebook stalking - you can come stalk me if you like ;) ) xx

  8. oooh buttery toast :)

    I shall take you up on that - I'm coming to track you down! Mwahahaha! :D xx

  9. Guilty pleasures? It's cult teen movies all the way for me too - The Breakfast Club is a particular favourite, as is the Lost Boys.

    Oh, and biscuits for lunch are fine... Particularly when you're all out of double chocolate muffins :)

  10. I have a love/hate relationship with digital memory because of how prices are always,and I mean always dropping. I absolutely hate buying SDs for my R4 / R4i at (seemingly) a cheap price only to see it become ten percent cheaper a couple of months later.(Posted from Nintendo DS running R4i DSi NePof)
